About Scarlet

Scarlet has a specific goal: Help people who need it

Have you ever felt lonely? Like no one is there to support you, or no one understands your feelings? Or on the other side, have you ever seen a friend or family member suffer to the point of reaching an insane edge?

Do you? Or does it sound like something far away from your reality?

This is not a joke. It is a reality.

During the pandemic, symptoms of anxiety disorder and depressive disorder increased considerably in the United States (see the picture), with the suicide rate increasing as well. Many people are unable to get together with their friends and family due to the pandemic. That is why we have created Scarlet, a virtual assistant to keep company, in addition to other functionalities.

Scarlet was created to detect symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress, and we hope that later it will be able to detect symptoms of victims of bullying, both within the family and other types of abuse.

One of our goals is that anyone can use it, both the elderly and children. For this reason, one of the main characteristics of Scarlet is its simplicity and versatility. Perfect for people who do not fully handle new technologies.

Currently we can see a prototype of what the mobile application would be, which is complemented by the Scarlet version for computer, where we can see tips to identify depression and other types of mental illnesses related to mental stability, in the case that we want to support someone close to us or ourselves. Also, the page needs several reforms, which would like to have the participation of medical specialists in mental health.

Disclaimer: the creators of this page are not doctors or specialists. These are tips and tricks that can help you identify a possible illness, but this is not a substitute for a review by a doctor. Go to the Psychologist if necessary.

Because covid is not the only enemy present in current times.

Scarlet, Your company in difficult times.